How does Brewer Science help grow STEM?

As part of the manufacturing and innovation industry, Brewer Science relies on the growth of STEM education, jobs, and overall interest in the subjects to maintain our business model in the U.S. Our president and founder, Dr. Terry Brewer, addresses three main initiatives to help ensure the growth of STEM:

  • Expand STEM opportunities in the United States
  • Provide real-world experience
  • Show students how STEM fields can provide world-changing possibilities 

As a company, we’ve addressed each point by encouraging relevant legislation and by forming an extensive internship program for students.

Expand STEM opportunities in the United States

STEM education doesn’t create jobs in the U.S., but the manufacturing industry does. With that in mind, Brewer Science joined a nationwide coalition to support the bipartisan Revitalize American Manufacturing and Innovation Act of 2013.

This legislation passed in the U.S. House and is aimed at accelerating manufacturing innovation in advanced technology areas. To do so, resources will be leveraged to bridge the gap between product commercialization and the basic research performed at U.S. universities and laboratories. The bill calls for the creation of Institutes for Manufacturing Innovation, with a link to a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation that is led by U.S. efforts to develop and produce next-generation manufactured products.

Provide real-world experience

stemDr. Brewer understands the importance of real-world experience, and that a successful mentorship program must demonstrate possibilities of STEM-related fields to students. Brewer Science’s internship program provides hands-on experience to students both near and far. One of our recent interns, Levi Gildenhaus, was named a Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) Scholar and earned a 10-week internship with DuPont in Wilmington, Delaware. There, he will work to improve the quantity, quality, and sustainability of the world’s food supply. Gildenhaus credits his interest and passion in the chemistry field to his time with Brewer Science.

Show students how STEM fields can provide world-changing possibilities

STEM fields can lead to amazing careers, such as those that improve the world’s food supply, but many students don’t get exposure to that while sitting in a math class. At Brewer Science, we strive to inspire students at a young age by showing them the world-changing possibilities that STEM can provide. We’ve held a number of seminars and spoke to countless students in hopes of motivating them to explore a STEM career. Here are a few of our favorite experiences:

  • Speaking at the American Chemical Society Southwest Regional Meeting in 2014, we sent our own Amanda G. Riojas, a computational chemist, to present “Careers in Chemistry: Computational Chemistry” and share her first-hand knowledge and experience in the subject.
  • While hosting the women from St. Joseph’s Academy in St. Louis, our presentation addressed the shortage of women working in STEM careers.
  • By supporting a new state-of-the-art computer room at Oak Hill R-1 School in Dent Country, we ensured that students would have access to the resources they needed to explore their interest in STEM.


If you’re interested in bringing your students to our facilities, learning about the internship program, or if you would like us to speak to your students, please reach out. We’d love to help continue the growth of STEM in any way possible!


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