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Brewer Science presents Patterning Concepts using Ultrathin Layers at International Conference in Japan

International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2022) Dr. Douglas Guerrero will present, Patterning Concepts Using Ultrathin Layers in Symposium A: Emerging Breakthroughs in Materials, Processes and Equipment for Advanced Lithography (Litho Breakthrough Symposium) at The 35th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2022) in Tokushima, Japan on November 8th through 11th. Dr. Guerrero's presentation will…

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SPIE Advanced Lithography

As the primary global lithography event, the SPIE Advanced Lithography technical program focuses on works in optical lithography, metrology, and EUV. Jakub Kosa will be presenting, High-temperature stable spin-on carbon materials for advanced pattern transfer applications. Yichen Liang  will be presenting, Realization of sub-30 pitch EUV Lithography through the application of functional spin-on glass.  Learn…

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Multi-layer: A better solution in manufacturing

When faced with a difficult problem, it’s hard to know which way to go. Technology and semiconductor manufacturing certainly have their fair share of challenges. The biggest one (or at least the most recurring) is that demand for smaller and smaller feature sizes is greater than our ability to manufacture them. There’s always the quick…

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Developer options for spin-on photosensitive materials

Developing photosensitive film layers to produce features of targeted sizes is a critical process step within any photolithography application. Application engineers have created several processes for performing this step with tank immersion (that is, a bath) and/or several adaptations of spin developing a single wafer to make patterns of features based on film areas of…

  Lithography Click Here to Read More

Finding Nano: Where Will DSA Lead Us Next?

In its constant quest to innovate, Brewer Science is continually on the cutting edge of what is next. We are currently combining directed self-assembly (DSA) and lithography to achieve sub–10 nm nanostructures. DSA uses block copolymers to generate arrays of self-assembled shapes such as lines or cylinders; the spatial arrangements of the resulting features can…

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Control the Light, Change the World

Light is energy. It’s a simple statement that holds almost unfathomable implications. The earth and its inhabitants as we know them would not exist without the power of light. It warms the planet and is a crucial element of weather and climate. It fuels our entire food chain and is key to the process that…

  Lithography, photolithography Click Here to Read More

Hurdling Challenges With High-Temperature Spin-On Carbon Materials

The race to advance front-end lithography has seen previously insurmountable roadblocks become some for the industry’s greatest achievements. Brewer Science has been a market leader in advanced lithography breakthroughs starting with the invention of bottom anti-reflective coatings in 1981. Today, Brewer Science maintains a broad array of materials to meet the industry’s needs as we…

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From the Bottom Up: Making More Room with Selective Surface Modification

Richard Feynman, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965, gave a famous lecture titled “There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom.” Today’s microelectronics process engineer, in the context of conventional top down lithography, would find it difficult to accept this statement without a long list of caveats. Aggressive scaling demands for newer generations…

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DSA: How far we've come and how much farther is left to go

To the average consumer, the path of new technology looks pretty linear. A cool new concept emerges, scientists figure out how to manufacture it, and pretty soon consumers can find it in a product. But people who work in technology know that’s hardly ever the case. On September 9th, Darron Jurajda, the Brewer Science Semiconductor…

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Directed Self-Assembly

 Directed self-assembly (DSA) refers to the integration of block copolymer (BCP) materials that undergo phase separation with traditional manufacturing processes. With DSA, nanoscale dimensions are achieved at a drastically reduced cost by novel material designs without additional equipment upgrades. Alternative lithographic approaches to achieve features ≤10 nanometers in size typically involve higher equipment budgets or…

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