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WSJ Feature: American Manufacturers Seek Perfection as Quality Issues Mount

Brewer Science is featured in The Wall Street Journal article, "American Manufacturers Seek Perfection as Quality Issues Mount" published on March 18, 2024. You can view the full article here. (subscription required) The Wall Street Journal business reporter, John Keilman, starts the article with an intriguing thought: "Imagine a world in which every product that…

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5 Reasons Why Defect Reduction is Critical in Semiconductor Material Success

Methods on how to detect and reduce defects in the fab and supply chain   Semiconductors may be small, but the impacts they have are significant. Semiconductors used in life-dependent applications, such as pacemakers, defibrillators, life support systems, automotive safety systems, or in aviation need to be fail-proof. A device smaller than a centimeter with…

  Zero Defects Click Here to Read More

Three Steps to Zero Defects: Design, Metrology and Collaboration

The Zero Defects Program is testament to Brewer Science’s commitment to material reliability. It’s a program unprecedented in the industry, and requires total oversight of design, metrology, and supply chain development. Its intricate process requires an “all hands-on deck” approach to improvement. While it is challenging, it is a worthwhile endeavor as the products produced…

  Zero Defects Click Here to Read More

Advanced Quality Control and Supply Chain Management for Lithography Materials

An Overview of Brewer Science’s Process Control System The Advanced Supply Quality Philosophy at Brewer Science is rooted in the goal of having an in-depth understanding and relation across the supply chain, from sub-suppliers to customers, to improve quality and minimize disruptions. This can be achieved through the various capabilities within Brewer Science’s Process Control…

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Defect Reduction in Advanced Lithography

Defect reduction in advanced lithography can be achieved with Metrology. Metrology is the science of measuring, characterizing, and analyzing materials. Within metrology, there are several technologies used to detect material defects on a very small scale – precision on the scale of parts per trillion or less is necessary in our pursuit of zero defects…

  Zero Defects Click Here to Read More

Leading the Race to Zero Defects - Brewer Science

Learn how Brewer Science is reducing defects from the start, right from material design, as we lead the way in EUV underlayer materials. Learn how Brewer Science is utilizing both chemical and physical metrology to refine our processes and products to reduce defects. Learn how Brewer Science's dedication to Zero Defects enables customer…

  Zero Defects Click Here to Read More

Proactive Approach to Defect Reduction in the Supply Chain

Brewer Science is on the forefront of the semiconductor industry, continually seeking ways to minimize defects and increase efficiency to better serve customers with a complete solution. Continually pushing customers’ expectations to unprecedented heights, Brewer Science is recognized as an industry expert. Tom Brown, Executive Director of Manufacturing and Engineering, and Julie Ply, Director of…

  brewer science, Technology, Zero Defects, Quality, development, company, quality control, Walter Barnes Click Here to Read More

Missouri Enterprise recognizes Brewer Science as a Champion of Change

  The history of Brewer Science is a testament to what aspiring to be the best can bring. By seeking continuous improvement and welcoming assistance through a local partnership, Brewer Science shares a journey of humble beginnings to becoming a world-class manufacturer. Founded on values. The foundation of Brewer Science is unlike any other chemical…

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